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QOOSP Lab Hypnosis

The short story 

Having been around for thousands of years, hypnosis – although not called that until 1820 – has been used to tap into the deepest parts of the mind, way beyond normal consciousness.

Research has shown that 88-95% of the mind is dominated by automatic processes, leaving for the conscious mind, where will power lives, a mere 5-12%. No wonder that even when you make a conscious decision to change a behavior, or a habit, or a state, and you fuel that with all your will power, the subconscious programming is still sabotaging your wish to change.

Hypnosis is a tool to retrain your subconscious mind, bypassing the Critical Filter that separates the conscious and subconscious, and thus allowing positive suggestions to sync into the subconscious, while also retraining the response from the primitive mind governed by the fight-flight-freeze mechanisms.

Behavioral profiling plays a huge role in determining the best course of action in the therapeutic endeavor – and we combine several suggestibility-testing models and behavioral/personality traits to recognize and analyze behavioral patterns, creating your very own behavioral map.

Besides the individual behavioral profile, we are also able to create a behavioral interaction map that can be used for improving interpersonal relationships, be it in the personal life or in a work environment; Using these models at a company scale has been proven to improve productivity and accelerate progress.

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Myths and Misconceptions

With a history going back several millennia, yet still muddled by preconceptions and false evidence, the general perception of hypnosis has swayed between the risible and the ridiculous on one hand, to the mystic and the occult on the other.

Behind the stage-displayed hypno-mumbo-jumbo, there have been serious schools of research and practice that dug deep into the benefits of delving into the subconscious mind. While most of the psychology schools would nowadays teach that there is no such thing as the subconscious mind, that is more a matter of semantics than of substance, as they all agree that there’s an automatic part of the mind, that they sometimes call unconscious. To distinguish between the unconscious in its medical and/or legal definition, and the part of the mind hypnosis operates on, we will continue to refer to this as the subconscious mind – the part from which our automatic behavior originates and draws its strength.

Hypnosis is not an ‘unnatural’ state – in fact it comes naturally many times a day. And while it’s typically a theta waves state, like deep meditation and relaxation, research has shown that the mind can operate on several frequencies while in hypnosis.

Unlike meditation, however, when used for therapeutic purposes, hypnosis bypasses the Critical Filter allowing positive suggestions to go directly to the subconscious mind. And going against the common misconception that hypnosis is synonymous with loss of control, it is in fact a tool for learning control over your automatic behavior.

So how does hypnosis work, what does it do, and what are the benefits and dangers – if any?

A word on Hypnosis

Recent studies showed that 88-95% of our mind operates on automatic pilot, even more so in our current society where technology is entrusted with a big chunk of our daily life. This leaves only a small percentage for the “conscious” mind where reason, decision-making and will power lie. This means that most of the time, humans are in an inertial behavioral mode from a dynamic initiated and maintained by the automatic part where ancient programs operate. And we dare say ancient, because some of these programs are even older than the biological individual – like the fight-flight-freeze primitive mind mechanism.

The automatisms, if you will, are not just isolated associations that happened sometime in our early life and got reinforced over and over again, but they are self-actualized complex programs building networks of associations and correlations in a dynamic manner.

In its short methodological description, hypnosis bypasses the critical filter-processing function in charge of selecting the conscious mind informational input that is allowed into the automatic, subconscious mind, by overloading this filter, with the purpose of letting the suggestions delve deep into the subconscious mind. The ultimate goal is to change, transform and reform some of the unconscious programs that are running our life.

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A word on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Based on the presupposition that all behavior has a structure that can be modeled, taught, learned and remodeled, NLP techniques can be used to re-program your mind to achieve desired outcomes – while also replacing negative and limiting programs and beliefs, employing the correlations between neurological processes, language and behavioral patterns. Research has shown that NLP tools have extensive therapeutic benefits from changing bad habits to overcoming traumatizing experiences. When coupled with hypnosis or self-hypnosis, NLP is even more powerful, as it remodels the neuro-linguistic patterns at a deeper, subconscious level.

Taking it even deeper – Neuro-Sensorial Programming (NSP)

A technique developed by QOOSP Lab’s own founder, Neuro-Sensorial Programming overhauls your sensorial unconscious associations and shows increased efficiency and effectiveness.

While most hypnotic modalities are effective to one degree or another, and much more so than “talk-therapy” as research has shown, the subconscious mind is a dynamic system with dynamic self-actualizing networks.

To bring this down from the theoretical abstraction into a more practical analogy, imagine a network of traffic lines (be it a transport infrastructure or a computer network); If one intersection (or one node) gets closed, the traffic would be diverted to the rest of the network elements, increasing the tension on these elements.

That’s why, while hypnosis solves one issue, in many cases other issues that are part of the same network get reinforced. These networks, however, don’t follow a logical path and pattern – remember, logic doesn’t live here – and so events, feelings, traumas that to the critical, reasonable mind seem unrelated, can still be closely connected in the subconscious mind, but is thus harder to expose them as being part of the same network.

And thus, the “glue” that keeps these associations in place is the sensorial system itself. Most of the information we perceive through our senses in terms of colors, sounds, smells, tastes and even textures is not consciously processed in our conscious mind. However, the subconscious mind records, this information – after all, the primitive mind is trained to do precisely that. And so even the positive associations of a color, for example, can get tainted  by a negative association that may not even have been registered consciously, since colors are everywhere. The same goes for smells, tastes, etc., and they all act as triggers of an array of emotions, feelings, memories and states.

The techniques we use consist in the whole “rebranding” of the sensorial information as we redirect the traffic through the same nodes, but while anchoring them into the positive association.


With an extensive area of benefits, what you’ll get from a hypnosis session – while focused on your presenting issue and its underlying condition – can branch out and have a positive impact on more areas of your mind and life.

Some of the most common goals that you can achieve with hypnosis are

  • reprogramming your self-limiting beliefs
  • overcoming your fears and phobias
  • quitting unwanted habits
  • overcoming negativity and resistance
  • improving your focus, memory, learning and intuition
  • improving your sleep
  • reaching new levels of awareness
  • attracting abundance in all areas of your life
  • taking back control of your mind, developing your skills and reaching your potential.


Our sessions are tailored to your own being and your own needs in a perfectly safe manner, and we have a holistic approach using eclectic modalities, fine-tuned to best suit you:

  • Hypnosis (including Ericksonian Hypnosis)
  • NLP & NSP
  • Biofeedback & Neurofeedback
  • Imagery (including Mythical, Archetypal, Metaphysical Imagery)
  • Dream Therapy
  • Therapeutic Journaling
  • EFT.

We offer services for individuals, groups and companies, online or in-person when that is possible. Start with a 30 minutes free consultation!

So, follow our suggestion and go check out our Services!

By booking a session you also support our research into consciousness-related phenomena – and who knows, you might even contribute to a keynote discovery!